quarta-feira, 2 de abril de 2008

Dawson's Creek

I'm kind of sad I know I just started this blog but anybody has enter yet and I'm kind of disapointed I guess... Well I'm here and I'll stay here as long as I can.
So I'm seeing a serie that is so cool and it is a lot of drama but is nice and interesting. Did you ever seen Dawson's Creek? Well if have I'm sure you love it, if yo haven't see it. I have a couple of friends that don't like it but that is just stupid. The only thing that I think is that Dawson isn't the main character it is joey, so I don't understand why is Dawson's Creek not Joey's Creek. Anyway I think it's so boring how joey and dawson always get together and apart I think Joey should be with Pacey, I really do...